First Annual “Back to Dance Bash”

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JOIN US on Tuesday September 10 as we kick off the start of a new season with Bella Via’s first annual Back to Dance Bash! 🕺🏽

From 4:30-7:30pm, stop by the studio to check out all we have in store for you! We will have swag bags 🛍 to give away and a dance party to get those feet moving again. We will also have a representative from Ballera in taking orders for shoes and tights 👞, as well as some other essentials items for sale.

If you get hungry, be sure to stop by the That Taco Guy food truck that will be parked right in our parking lot! Yum! 🌮 And before you head home, don’t forget to have your dancer put their painted handprint on the wall in the café 🖐🏼. We want to fill our studio with all the hands that had a part in helping us grow into the amazing community we are today!

We can’t wait to see you there! Spread the word and tell your family and friends 👫. Show them why Bella Via Dance Studio is the place to be in the North Shore! 💯