- Every Bella Via Member is required to provide a credit/debit card at registration.
- Tuition is paid in two installments during the recital season (September 1st and January 1st).
- All payments are NONREFUNDABLE.
- Annual BVDS Membership Fee: $45 will be charged for each student (max of $90 per family), due at the time of enrollment to reserve your spot. (our annual membership fee includes: priority registration for classes and camps, transfer classes for free, special member pricing for birthday parties, priority access to special events, priority enrollment for masterclasses/guest artists, community connections, special studio events, facility updates and so much more!)
- Payments are all done online through our software provider, and will be automatically charged to the card on file on the first day of each installment period.
- After registering you may make an online payment to secure your child’s spot in class. If you prefer to pay by check, payment must be received before the first day of the payment period.
- Tuition will not be prorated for student absences, except in an instance of an incapacitating injury or extended illness, provided written medical proof is promptly provided. Should this occur, a student may be offered a makeup opportunity by the studio director in a similar class, or assigned a credit which may only be applied for future tuition within a period of 24 months following its issuance.
- The studio reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment. If the planned enrollment requirement is not met, the class may be cancelled and the staff will work with students to find an alternate class option. Only if class on another day and time is not found, will a refund be possible.
- All payments must be timely made as a precondition for a student to be allowed to participate in class and recital.
- Account balances not fully paid within announced deadlines will be charged a monthly 5% compounding finance charge until paid. Accounts more than 60 days past due may be submitted to collection services.
- NSF on paper checks, auto-debit, or auto-charge payments will incur a $25 NSF fee which will be paid at the front desk along with the tuition.
- If a student will be dropping a class, emailed written notice must be sent to the office staff 30 days prior to departure: [email protected]
Tuition listed below is per-individual student, and is charged twice during the recital season at the beginning of each semester. (Tuition discounts automatically applied when taking 3 hours or more per week… the more you dance, the more you save!)
30min. | $185.00 |
45min. | $275.00 |
1 hour per week | $352.00 |
1.5 hours per week | $529.00 |
2 hours per week | $706.00 |
2.5 hours per week | $882.00 |
3 hours per week | $1005.48 |
3.5 hours per week | $1117.63 |
4 hours per week | $1255.76 |
4.5 hours per week | $1381.34 |
5 hours per week | $1506.91 |
5.5 hours per week | $1622.40 |
6 hours per week | $1737.88 |
6.5 hours per week | $1882.70 |
7+ hours per week | $1945.10 |
Dancers who are looking to refine technique or master new skills may also schedule private lessons with any of our amazing faculty. Private lessons begin at $45 per half hour. Please keep in mind that if you must cancel a private lesson, be sure to do so as far in advance as possible. We can only refund private lessons that are canceled with more than 24 hours’ notice. (private lesson discount packages available… email [email protected] to inquire)
- A costume fee of $70+tax will be charged for each student participating in the May Recital for ages 6 and under. (This is per dance that the student performs.)
- A costume fee of $80+tax will be charged for each student participating in the May Recital for ages 7 and up. (This is per dance that the student performs.)
- A costume fee of $90+tax will be charged for each student performing in the Pre-Pointe or Pointe dance at the recital
Costume refunds will only be given with written notice prior to December 1st. After December 1st costume refunds cannot be issued.
Costume fees will be collected in 2 installments:
- October 1st – 1st half
- November 1st – 2nd half
- December – recital costumes are ordered (we will not order costumes for dancers who have an outstanding balance; this may prevent their participation in the recital)
When you receive your child’s costume, remember that dance costumes are supposed to be tight. They should not fit like regular clothing. If your dancer has tactile issues and would most likely prefer a larger size, please inform the front desk staff no later than November 15th of this year.
At Bella Via, kindness matters. Whether between dancers, teachers or dancers and teachers, we place a high value in being considerate, encouraging, empathetic and respectful. That doesn’t mean that every action that occurs within these walls will meet our expectations, but it is a constant we strive to instill. We want Bella Via to continue to be a positive studio that uplifts our dancers, provides fun and positive experiences, practices grace (in movement and character) and offers exceptional opportunities to expand our students’ world. We invite you to join us in that effort.
- We encourage students to study as many different disciplines within the realm of dance as inspires them. We strive to create well-rounded, confident dancers who are able to adapt to any kind of situation and environment.
- Dancers should be in the studio and partially warmed up by the start of class. The hallway may be used as a warm-up area while dancers wait for their class to begin.
- All teachers will be addressed as “Miss (insert teacher’s first name)” or “Mr. (insert teacher’s name)”.
- Everyone is placed in a class that the faculty determines based on the student’s technique, ability to retain and apply corrections, the skills they have mastered, attendance, performance, age and maturity. This ensures that the classes run efficiently and students are getting the most out of their education at Bella Via.
- As the academic year progresses, students may be asked to change levels if the teacher feels they will be unable to reach their full physical potential in the class assigned.
- Please refrain from gossip in the studio hallways… if there is an issue that needs to be addressed, please bring it to the attention of the desk staff, and they will be sure to pass the information along to the person or persons who can correct the problem.
- If a student will be absent from class, please notify the teacher ahead of time by calling the studio (262) 236-9298. (Desk staff will make a note, or please leave a message if no one answers.)
- Students will not be allowed to make up absences that are not specifically noted on the Bella Via policies page.
General Dance Attire Rules
- Proper dance attire is enforced for the safety of the dancer. Improper attire can lead to injury and lack of technical improvement or progression. The teacher must be able to easily see the dancer’s alignment and placement to give the personal corrections needed for each individual student’s advancement.
- Hair must be pulled back and out of the dancer’s eyes for ALL classes. A bun is preferable for ballet classes.
- Tights MUST be worn with leotards and shorts…no exceptions.
- Consequences will be administered by the teacher for students who fail to comply with the dress code. (This may include sitting out, writing down combinations, extra push-ups or sit-ups, etc.) If improper attire becomes a recurring problem, the parents will be notified and more severe actions may be taken.
- Warm-ups are allowed for the first 15 minutes of class. In the winter we encourage students to come wearing warm-ups to prevent injury.
Class Attire
- Baby Bellas: Light pink leotard; white tights; white ballet shoes
- Twinkle Tots: Light pink leotard; white tights; white ballet shoes and black tap shoes
- Ballet, Jazz, and Tap 6 & 7yrs.: Light pink leotard; white tights; white ballet shoes; black tap shoes (jazz shoes are not required for this age group and level)
- Ballet Levels D-A: Black leotard; pink tights; and pink ballet shoes. Black ballet skirts and shorts are also allowed.
- Jazz and Tap Levels D-A: Black leotard; pink, black, or nude tights; form fitting dance pants and dance shorts are also allowed; tan jazz and tap shoes (although black is fine up until recital)
- Teen Ballet: any solid colored leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes
- Modern: Black leotard, nude/pink/black convertible tights, black dance shorts or pants, bare-feet or foot undies
- Hip-Hop: Clothing the dancers are able to move easily in and feel funky in (no jeans or skirts); clean sneakers should be worn as long as they are used in class ONLY and have not been worn outside (a popular brand for Hip Hop shoes are DCs)
- Pointe: a solid colored leotard, pink tights, pink pointe shoes
Weather Cancellations
- Bella Via Dance Studio is not responsible for inclement weather. Should a class be closed more than twice due to weather, the teacher will determine a makeup day and time for the class, which may be done in-person or virtually.
- Bella Via will generally follow the Mequon-Thiensville school district weather cancellations. Bella Via will generally follow the Mequon-Thiensville school district weather cancellations. However since the weather can change dramatically from morning to night this may cause the studio to cancel evening classes despite the schools having remained open. This action will be taken before 3pm on week days for evening classes; and before 8:30am for morning and weekend classes.
- For cancellations, please visit the Bella Via home page and view the Blog posts, TMJ4 on your television, or our Facebook page.
*Update to Safer Studio™ Policies: Effective March 7th, 2022*
The CDC updated its masking guidelines on Friday, February 26th and the changes now guide facilities in the direction of optional masking given a county’s designated level of High, Medium, or Low based on three criteria. The criteria are: hospital beds in use, hospital admissions, and number of COVID cases. Masking is now only recommended in indoor public places for counties at the “High” level. Ozaukee County is at the “Medium” level so that translates to a change in masking recommendations for our dance community.
Beginning MONDAY, MARCH 7th, Bella Via Dance Studio will move to a MASK OPTIONAL policy.
Every day that we can get where children can fully express themselves in the classroom and teachers can have full communication, including facial cues, we will celebrate! And, if there are days ahead where cases rise to a point where we have to revisit our mask policy, we will do so.
Although many of us will feel relieved to read this announcement, some may feel concerned about returning to a pre-Covid lifestyle and may choose to continue wearing their mask. We support everyone and warmly welcome each family’s decision to make the choice that is right for them. Masks will still be available at the front desk. Until Spring Break, our staff will respect your family’s choice by mirroring what you are comfortable with as we work through this transition together.
In meantime, all other risk-mitigating factors remain in place and parents are asked to please continue to use sound judgment and exercise reasonable caution in keeping children home when they are sick or awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test. We remain appreciative of your ongoing partnership and patience. Anyone who would still like to wear a mask to class for comfort is welcome to do so and plenty of masks will still be available at the front desk.
I want to thank our faculty, families, and students for their support over the past two years. Working together, we have kept our classrooms open continuously since July of 2020, and will be returning to full recital performances this June! Now that’s some awesome teamwork!
Thank you for your support! With appreciation,
Miss Megan
*Update to Safer Studio™ Policies: Effective December 17, 2021*
In keeping with our Safer Studio™ internal Procedures, Bella Via has continued its dialogue and communication with local health officials regarding COVID-19 in our area.
Following the recommendations and guidance of the health department, effective immediately Bella Via will be moving to face coverings REQUIRED for ALL INDIVIDUALS (age 3+yrs) in the studio, regardless of vaccination status or age, AT ALL TIMES.
Thank you for your continued efforts and support to keep our students, staff and community safe and healthy!
Mask Requirements Update:
- Masks are REQUIRED for everyone ages 3+ at all times (when entering the studio, in the common areas, and during classes)
*Update to Safer Studio™ Policies: Effective November 29, 2021*
- Masks are REQUIRED FOR ALL COMMON AREAS due to the continuous combined ages in the lobbies, bathrooms, etc. *Please see mask requirements below for more details
- One parent per dancer is allowed in the studio (siblings may enter as well with a mask, although to keep capacity numbers low, we are asking siblings to stay home if possible)
- Please sanitize using the hand sanitizer by the door upon entry
- Please socially distance when possible in the building
- Once dancer’s are in their classrooms, we respectfully ask that if you need a message passed to your child that you notify the front desk. All classroom doors need to remain closed during each session.
- Please do not knock on classroom windows or crowd the windows as this can become a distraction to other dancers in the room and can make it difficult for our faculty to teach
- Our remaining Safer Studio Policy will stay in effectALL VISITORS MUST DO A HEALTH PRE-SCREENING PRIOR TO ENTRY:You are required as a MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING to…Notify us immediately and DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING:
- IF you or anyone in your household is exhibiting signs of COVID like illness-fever, respiratory symptoms, or loss of taste or smell.
- IF you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID or have been in contact with anyone who is going to be tested for COVID, due to the onset of symptoms or notification of a positive COVID encounter
We are SO excited to host you for our 11th season in our newly updated and renovated facility, and have prepared the following information to help you have a happy, healthy, and safe return to classes starting September 20th.
Please review before your first class for the smoothest transition back to classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!!
Bella Via is a Safer Studio™
- Bella Via follows the More Than Just Great Dancing!® Safer Studio Guidelines which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures including:
- Wellness checks for staff
- Frequent hand hygiene
- Enhanced cleaning procedures
- Minimizing mixing and mingling via social distancing practices
- Curricular and facility adjustments
- Gradual re-opening and continuous parent communications.
- Please see below for the specific way Bella Via is applying these guidelines for the Fall Session.
Mask Requirements
- Masks are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for Ages 12 and older,
- Masks are REQUIRED for Ages 3-11.
- **If dancers above the age of 12 are in class with a younger dancer, they will be required to wear a mask for this class**
- Masks are REQUIRED FOR ALL COMMON AREAS due to the continuous combined ages in the lobbies, bathrooms, etc.
- Dance is a naturally socially distant sport and dancers will continue to distance in classes.
- We have always strived to provide a safe, healthy space for our dancers and will continue to do so!
Wellness Checks for Students
- Parents are asked to not send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, have a fever or respiratory symptoms.
- Parents are asked not to send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
Return To Classes After COVID-19 Close Contact Exposure
- If a student is exposed, we will follow the CDC and Health Department’s recommendation of a 10 day quarantine from the date of exposure without a negative test result, and the student will be required to monitor symptoms for 14 days.
- If a student is tested on day 6 after exposure and receives a negative test result, they may return to classes before day 10 of quarantine (you must wait at least 6 days before being tested after exposure, and have received the test results before returning to class)
Return To Classes for Household Contact of Positive Case
- People living in the same home as a symptomatic confirmed or probable case should immediately follow the standard 14 day quarantine procedure, because of continued exposure while the household member is infectious
Facility & Curricular Adjustments
- All lobby, waiting, and common areas are partially open to parent or guardian of students 7 and under. (parents will drop off and pick up outside the main entrance to the facility for students 8 and older)
- Please bring clearly labeled water bottles. Dancers may refill their personal water bottles at the studio as many times as needed.
- Classes will end/wrap up 5 minutes early to accommodate for the gathering of belongings and extra disinfecting and sanitizing of the studio before the next class arrives.
As always, please email [email protected] to communicate potential exposure or a positive result, and we will help guide you on the next steps to take. Please remember there is absolutely no penalty for absences, and classes may be attended virtually thanks to Bella Via being a Tech-Enabled Studio!
Welcome to the new 2021/2022 Season at Bella Via! We look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask <3.
Together we will #growbloomTHRIVEwithBVDS!
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“Bella via is a wonderful dance studio with amazing teachers. They not only work towards helping kids become better dancers, but also focus on helping them to become better people. The staff is great and the other parents are warm and friendly. Both of my daughters love dancing here!”
“This is a superb place with a positive environment for kids and parents. I appreciate Megan’s natural ability to be encouraging to students and recognize their needs as dancers and as individuals. The studio itself is amazing with a café for families and a dressing room for the dancers. In addition, the restrooms have additional space, if needed. The studio is spacious and open, and we were greeted warmly by staff, parents, and dancers! We are so glad to find this place!”