*Update to Safer Studio Policies: Effective November 29, 2021*

Starting November 29th we will begin our slow re-opening of the studio to parents with dancers ages 2-7 years old. Dancers who are 8 and older will continue to come in alone. To keep in line with our Safer Studio Policy and to be able to keep our doors open to families, we are asking that everyone follows the guidelines below:
  •  Masks are REQUIRED FOR ALL COMMON AREAS due to the continuous combined ages in the lobbies, bathrooms, etc. *Please see mask requirements below for more details
  • One parent per dancer is allowed in the studio (siblings may enter as well with a mask, although to keep capacity numbers low, we are asking siblings to stay home if possible)
  • Please sanitize using the hand sanitizer by the door upon entry
  • Please socially distance when possible in the building
  • Once dancer’s are in their classrooms, we respectfully ask that if you need a message passed to your child that you notify the front desk. All classroom doors need to remain closed during each session. 
  • Please do not knock on classroom windows or crowd the windows as this can become a distraction to other dancers in the room and can make it difficult for our faculty to teach
  • Our remaining Safer Studio Policy will stay in effectALL VISITORS MUST DO A HEALTH PRE-SCREENING PRIOR TO ENTRY:You are required as a MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING to…Notify us immediately and DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING:
    • IF you or anyone in your household is exhibiting signs of COVID like illness-fever, respiratory symptoms, or loss of taste or smell.
    • IF you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID or have been in contact with anyone who is going to be tested for COVID, due to the onset of symptoms or notification of a positive COVID encounter
We are so excited to share our new space with most of you and with your partnership in following our guidelines we believe that this slow re-opening will be successful and allow us to continue to open our doors in the future to all!


We are SO excited to host you for our 11th season in our newly updated and renovated facility, and have prepared the following information to help you have a happy, healthy, and safe return to classes starting September 20th. 

Please review before your first class for the smoothest transition back to classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!! 

Bella Via is a Safer Studio™

  • Bella Via follows the More Than Just Great Dancing!® Safer Studio Guidelines which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures including: 
    • Wellness checks for staff
    • Frequent hand hygiene
    • Enhanced cleaning procedures
    • Minimizing mixing and mingling via social distancing practices
    • Curricular and facility adjustments
    • Gradual re-opening and continuous parent communications. 
  • Please see below for the specific way Bella Via is applying these guidelines for the Fall Session.

Mask Requirements

  • Masks are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for Ages 12 and older
  • Masks are REQUIRED for Ages 3-11
  • **If dancers above the age of 12 are in class with a younger dancer, they will be required to wear a mask for this class** 
  • Masks are REQUIRED FOR ALL COMMON AREAS due to the continuous combined ages in the lobbies, bathrooms, etc.
  • Dance is a naturally socially distant sport and dancers will continue to distance in classes.
  • We have always strived to provide a safe, healthy space for our dancers and will continue to do so!

 Wellness Checks for Students 

  • Parents are asked to not send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, have a fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Parents are asked not to send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test. 

Return To Classes After COVID-19 Close Contact Exposure

  • If a student is exposed, we will follow the CDC and Health Department’s recommendation of a 10 day quarantine from the date of exposure without a negative test result, and the student will be required to monitor symptoms for 14 days.
  • If a student is tested on day 6 after exposure and receives a negative test result, they may return to classes before day 10 of quarantine (you must wait at least 6 days before being tested after exposure, and have received the test results before returning to class)

Return To Classes for Household Contact of Positive Case

  • People living in the same home as a symptomatic confirmed or probable case should immediately follow the standard 14 day quarantine procedure, because of continued exposure while the household member is infectious

 Facility & Curricular Adjustments

  • All lobby, waiting, and common areas are partially open to parent or guardian of students 7 and under. (parents will drop off and pick up outside the main entrance to the facility for students 8 and older)
  • Please bring clearly labeled water bottles. Dancers may refill their personal water bottles at the studio as many times as needed.
  • Classes will end/wrap up 5 minutes early to accommodate for the gathering of belongings and extra disinfecting and sanitizing of the studio before the next class arrives.

As always, please email [email protected] to communicate potential exposure or a positive result, and we will help guide you on the next steps to take. Please remember there is absolutely no penalty for absences, and classes may be attended virtually thanks to Bella Via being a Tech-Enabled Studio! 

Welcome to the new 2021/2022 Season at Bella Via! We look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask <3. 

Together we will #growbloomTHRIVEwithBVDS!