Back to Dance “Drive-Thru” BASH!!!

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Since we can’t do our annual Back to Dance Bash IN the studio, we’re bringing the party outside in a way that remains safe for everyone in  our community… we are doing it DRIVE-THRU STYLE this year!!! This is an opportunity for you to meet your teacher, grab your swag bag (which includes fun treats for our dancers and important info for our parents), and watch our Troupe dancers perform in masks outside, socially distanced, setting the precedent for all our students that while the start of this season may look different from years past, we can still have fun doing what we love… DANCING!!!!!

This will be a drive-thru style event (think just like the birthday parades that were so popular during our Safer-at-Home mandate). Everyone will remain safely in their car and follow along in the parade around the parking lot. Our rockstar faculty will be masked and waiting to meet their students and dance families!